
A Search for
Goodness, Beauty and Truth

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As I've come to understand life, I've come to see that true joy requires motion. We can't follow Christ when we are standing still.

Great People

I've talked (typed) a lot (too much, my kids would remind me) in this blog about Haiti and her people.  But I'd like to give a few perceptions about some

Even Here I Can’t Get Away From IT

Reading Mountains Beyond Mountains, the biography of Paul Farmer and his groundbreaking medical work in Haiti’s Central Plateau region in

Timoun yo

Timoun yo - The Children This week has been a little different from last week.  With the arrival of my family and departure of the medical team I came with,


My family joined me in Haiti yesterday.  It was really a joy to be there to greet them at the

Blog Chapters

journey toward the

Catholic Deaconate

Back in 2015 I lived a Cursillo weekend which greatly invigorated my faith. I had been Catholic for 15 years by that point in time but that weekend really made the faith come alive for me in a new way. When I left the weekend I felt a calling to discern the Catholic Deaconate. But I told myself I would not act on that inclination unless it was confirmed by an invitation from my pastor, Fr. Jack Gleason. That confirmation came 7 years later in the fall of 2022. I spent the next 6 months in a directed discernment of that call, and in early June 2023 I was invited to formally enter the program as an aspirant. This chapter of my blog will chronicle my experience on that journey.


As I've come to understand life, I've come to see that true joy requires motion. We can't follow Christ when we are standing still.

An archive of my family’s

Haiti Mission Trip

In the summer of 2015, a conversation on a moon-lit car ride with my then 14 year old daughter made a big impact on me.  She told me, “Dad, I wonder if there are people that live differently than we do.”  Having more years of life under my belt of course I knew there were. But what real experience did I draw from? Not much. It made me realize that there could be a great benefit to our family to spend some time in a place where life is very, very different to help us all recognize that some things we just assumed were necessary for a happy life were really not necessary at all.  I immediately started on a plan that would allow us to do just that. And in 2016, we travelled to the Kobonol Mission in Haiti.

Kobonal Mission, Haiti

This has been a long time in coming. I suppose that's one way to look at it - the way I'm trying to look at it.  On the other hand

They could use a hand

My trip to Haiti is actually 2 trips in one. The first week I'm there will be with a medical group out of St. Anne's Catholic Church. That group will be

Blown Away

It's been a little over a week since the post I wrote asking for support for the school in Haiti and I've been totally blown away by the response ever since.

Why Haiti, why now?

Exactly four days from now I'll be on a plane to Haiti, destination - Kobonal Mission.  The closer it gets, the more often people ask me two questions which are both

Beginning Perceptions

Well, it was a very interesting day as you might imagine.  I’ll try to touch the high points without going too far off into the weeds but there’s a lot